The first consultation as well as postoperative check-ups should be carried out by the same person that performs the surgery.
First, ask the person counseling you about his/her qualifications. Often, this part of the overall treatment is done by non-qualified sales agents, who work for high commissions and recommend hair transplantation even if it is not indicated.
Do not sign a contract before you have personally met the person who is to perform the operation.
Ask for references, and, when in doubt, insist on meeting patients who have already been operated on. Do not accept testimonials of employees of the institution providing the surgery.
Compare offers from different establishments and/or plastic surgeons.
Before you sign a contract, be sure that the number of grafts to be transplanted is specified. (Prices per single graft vary from 6 to 20 Swiss francs depending on the institution.)
With regard to down payment, do not agree to pay more than 25% of the total cost.
If you are not satisfied with the result, try to reach an agreement with the institution as to compensation. If this is not possible, you may have to resort to the services of a lawyer.