That’s what others say
Angela Lehmann in conversation with Geri Staudenmann (
Angela Lehmann was one of the guests on the programme Medicaltalk, speaking on the subject of transplantations of one’s own hair. She described the procedure and a patient was asked about his experiences. The programme was recorded in Switzerland. You can see the programme by clicking on the image on the left.
Angela Lehmann in the Luxury Life Magazine No41
Permanent hair loss usually poses a huge emotional burden for the person affected. These days, unwanted baldness no longer has to be the definitive affliction it once was. People who not only want to avoid baldness in the future, but also aim to remedy existing bald patches as quickly and effectively as possible will find help with Angela Lehmann. This extremely charismatic and always open-minded Swiss woman is a luminary in the field of original hair transplantation.
Fachartikel Neues Haar – Eigenhaartransplantation mittels Crosspunchmethode, im Journal für Ästhetische Chirurgie!
Loss of hair caused by androgenetic alopecia is a major threat to patients suffering from this disease. The article presents a 48-year-old caucasian patient suffering from androgenetic alopecia who was treated with Crosspunch method. This method is based on the angle variation (5 to 8 degree) of the micrograft transplants containing one to four hair follicle which are inserted into recipient site, to achieve a higher optical hair density. Patient and the therapist were fully satisfied with the result of this treatment.
Presentation of new hair transplant technique at the ICAPS Congress 2016 in New Zealand

“Crosspunch”, Angela Lehmann’s newly developed hair transplant technique, was given its first presentation by Dr. D. Knutti at the International Consortium of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in New Zealand.
Using the new “Crosspunch Method” hair transplant technique developed by Angela Lehmann, the appearance of resulting hair thickness can be further improved.
The ICAPS Congress (International Consortium of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons) took place from 17.2. – 22.2.2016 in New Zealand.
Numerous renowned plastic surgeons from around the globe were also present, for example:
Dr. Ana Bandinanaz, Brazil | Dr. Bryan Mendelson, Australia |
Dr. Darryl Hodgkinson, Australia | Dr. Gaith Shubailat, Jordan |
Dr. Jose Abel de la Pena Selcedo, Mexico | Dr. Joseph Hunstad, USA |
Dr. Richard Halley-Stott, South Africa | Dr. Russell Walton, South Africa |
Dr. Stephen Gilbert, New Zealand | Dr. Tom Roberts, USA |
Angela Lehmann in the Luxury Life Magazine No 23
Voluminous hair that you can dye and style as you like is a privilege which many people, predominantly men, usually must do without. The underlying causes for hair loss can be a hereditary predisposition, illness, accidents, or postoperative scarring.
Fachartikel Haare fürs Leben – im Prestige Magazin 2017!
Haare für´s Leben
Ob bei der Partnersuche oder im Berufsleben – volles Haar steht für Attraktivität und Erfolg. Gemäss ihrem Credo «Haare fürs Leben» gibt Angela Lehmann durch Haartransplantationen und Haarverpflanzungen nicht nur prachtvolles Haar zurück, sondern auch ein ganz grosses Stück Lebensqualität.
Fachartikel Neues Haar – neues Leben, von Angela Lehmann, im Magazin wellness life erschienen!
Volles Haar signalisiert Gesundheit, Fruchtbarkeit und Jugendlichkeit.
Der Verlust der Haare kann für den einzelnen je nach Ausmass ein grosses Problem darstellen. Eine Eigenhaartransplantation schafft hier Abhilfe.
Specialist article in Face Magazine by Professor Dr. Dr. Hönig and Angela Lehmann
Johann Friedrich Dieffenbach addressed the subject of transplants of one’s own hair in his thesis „Nonnulla de regeneratione et transplantatione“ between 1820 and 1822 by experimenting on himself to gain further insight into the subject of hair transplants. It is surprising that more than 140 years had to pass before Norman Orentreich, who is considered the father of autologous hair transplants, carried out the first transplant of a patient’s own hair in 1959 for aesthetic restoration in hereditary alopecia. In fact, Okuda was already using “punch grafts” in Japan in 1932 for hair reconstruction in cases of alopecia in burn victims.
TV Report about the Clinic for Aesthetic Surgery in Biel
In this film Dr. Knutti introduces his renowned clinic for aesthetic surgery in Biel and using several examples describes his advanced methods of treatment. The modern clinic covers the entire spectrum of plastic and aesthetic surgery. Dr. Knutti focuses in particular on facial and breast surgery. Angela Lehmann, who is a very experienced specialist, also practises in the clinic for aesthetic surgery, carrying out transplants with the patients‘ own hair, employing the same sensitive empathy as Dr. Knutti. Angela Lehmann’s carefully transplanted „hair for life“ helps patients to achieve completely natural results. The patient’s own hair is transplanted to previously bald areas where it continues to grow permanently.
Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2020

In the book „Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery – Premium Clinics and Surgeries“, Dr. Knutti’s clinic, in which Ms. Lehmann carries out hair transplants, is described as one of the best clinics for aesthetic operations at the highest level. Dr. Knutti emphasises that safety has the highest priority for his patients. Employees in his clinic speak perfect German and French, and each guest is looked after on an individual basis in his/her own language. The services on offer range from wrinkle treatment to hair transplants, which many men also take advantage of, having their own thinning hair thickened with their own hair. The clinic fulfils the highest Swiss and international standards with regard to technical equipment and employee expertise. Each member of staff is up to date with the latest technical standards. After his state examination in 1977 Dr. Knutti completed first-class further training in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery and in 1984 became a consultant in the Department for Plastic Surgery at the University of Bern. The forerunners of aesthetic surgery were operating in the USA, where Dr. Knutti was one of those who learned from them in 1987. Today, he is one of the best surgeons in Europe, with more than 3 decades of experience. His work motto is: „I do not use my techniques, I use the best.“ He still travels around the world looking for the best method, also flying to congresses and advanced training courses himself, allowing him to indulge in his second passion, flying.
Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2018

In the book „Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery – Premium Clinics and Surgeries“, Dr. Knutti’s clinic, in which Ms. Lehmann carries out hair transplants, is described as one of the best clinics for aesthetic operations at the highest level. Dr. Knutti emphasises that safety has the highest priority for his patients. Employees in his clinic speak perfect German and French, and each guest is looked after on an individual basis in his/her own language. The services on offer range from wrinkle treatment to hair transplants, which many men also take advantage of, having their own thinning hair thickened with their own hair. The clinic fulfils the highest Swiss and international standards with regard to technical equipment and employee expertise. Each member of staff is up to date with the latest technical standards. After his state examination in 1977 Dr. Knutti completed first-class further training in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery and in 1984 became a consultant in the Department for Plastic Surgery at the University of Bern. The forerunners of aesthetic surgery were operating in the USA, where Dr. Knutti was one of those who learned from them in 1987. Today, he is one of the best surgeons in Europe, with more than 3 decades of experience. His work motto is: „I do not use my techniques, I use the best.“ He still travels around the world looking for the best method, also flying to congresses and advanced training courses himself, allowing him to indulge in his second passion, flying.
Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2016
In the book „Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery – Premium Clinics and Surgeries“, Dr. Knutti’s clinic, in which Ms. Lehmann carries out hair transplants, is described as one of the best clinics for aesthetic operations at the highest level. Dr. Knutti emphasises that safety has the highest priority for his patients. Employees in his clinic speak perfect German and French, and each guest is looked after on an individual basis in his/her own language. The services on offer range from wrinkle treatment to hair transplants, which many men also take advantage of, having their own thinning hair thickened with their own hair. The clinic fulfils the highest Swiss and international standards with regard to technical equipment and employee expertise. Each member of staff is up to date with the latest technical standards. After his state examination in 1977 Dr. Knutti completed first-class further training in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery and in 1984 became a consultant in the Department for Plastic Surgery at the University of Bern. The forerunners of aesthetic surgery were operating in the USA, where Dr. Knutti was one of those who learned from them in 1987. Today, he is one of the best surgeons in Europe, with more than 3 decades of experience. His work motto is: „I do not use my techniques, I use the best.“ He still travels around the world looking for the best method, also flying to congresses and advanced training courses himself, allowing him to indulge in his second passion, flying.
Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2015

In the book „Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery – Premium Clinics and Surgeries“, Dr. Knutti’s clinic, in which Ms. Lehmann carries out hair transplants, is described as one of the best clinics for aesthetic operations at the highest level. Dr. Knutti emphasises that safety has the highest priority for his patients. Employees in his clinic speak perfect German and French, and each guest is looked after on an individual basis in his/her own language. The services on offer range from wrinkle treatment to hair transplants, which many men also take advantage of, having their own thinning hair thickened with their own hair. The clinic fulfils the highest Swiss and international standards with regard to technical equipment and employee expertise. Each member of staff is up to date with the latest technical standards. After his state examination in 1977 Dr. Knutti completed first-class further training in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery and in 1984 became a consultant in the Department for Plastic Surgery at the University of Bern. The forerunners of aesthetic surgery were operating in the USA, where Dr. Knutti was one of those who learned from them in 1987. Today, he is one of the best surgeons in Europe, with more than 3 decades of experience. His work motto is: „I do not use my techniques, I use the best.“ He still travels around the world looking for the best method, also flying to congresses and advanced training courses himself, allowing him to indulge in his second passion, flying.
Excerpt from the Book of Premium Clinics 2014

In the book „Plastic-Aesthetic Surgery – Premium Clinics and Surgeries“, Dr. Knutti’s clinic, in which Ms. Lehmann carries out hair transplants, is described as one of the best clinics for aesthetic operations at the highest level. Dr. Knutti emphasises that safety has the highest priority for his patients. Employees in his clinic speak perfect German and French, and each guest is looked after on an individual basis in his/her own language. The services on offer range from wrinkle treatment to hair transplants, which many men also take advantage of, having their own thinning hair thickened with their own hair. The clinic fulfils the highest Swiss and international standards with regard to technical equipment and employee expertise. Each member of staff is up to date with the latest technical standards. After his state examination in 1977 Dr. Knutti completed first-class further training in plastic, restorative and aesthetic surgery and in 1984 became a consultant in the Department for Plastic Surgery at the University of Bern. The forerunners of aesthetic surgery were operating in the USA, where Dr. Knutti was one of those who learned from them in 1987. Today, he is one of the best surgeons in Europe, with more than 3 decades of experience. His work motto is: „I do not use my techniques, I use the best.“ He still travels around the world looking for the best method, also flying to congresses and advanced training courses himself, allowing him to indulge in his second passion, flying.